Friday, September 16, 2011

“There Is More to Every TV Commercial On Air”- C.E.O Brand World Media, Clara Okoro Opens Up.
she might not have those killer looks that make many hearts flutter whenever they adorn movie jackets and posters, not that she is blessed with the voice that gets you dancing and frenzy but Clara Okoro is one of the exceptional faces and voices that represent changes and who dares to be different . Apart from pioneering initiatives, the fair-complexioned media practitioner- turned most- sought after, rose to the top with her Brand World TV show, Nigeria’s leading brand oriented programme that deals with branding and also research.
In this interesting chat with DAMILOLA TOWOBOLA, the C.E.O, as the brain and bold belle is fondly called opened up on her Initiative, ICE Magazine and other interesting issues. Enjoy the excerpts.

How did you get the concept of Brand World and now ICE magazine?
Brand world media came up as a need to fill the niche which most clients were looking for but didn’t know where to look. There is a lot happening around your brand apart from your 60 seconds commercials on Television and that’s what we came to fill up.
These also communicated in what we came up with as regards the publication of Ice Magazine. A lot of young people consume brands but people don’t really know there is a pattern which they attribute the way these people consume brand and if we fill up that gap and take the information back to the owners of the brand, it would help them in their planning and make for easier running of their project.
Have you always been in publishing and also if you were not a media practitioner, what would you have being?
I have always been in broadcasting, we just ventured into publishing. Anyway, if I was not a media practitioner, I would have been a teacher.
You seem to juggle so many roles. You are a Presenter likewise a Publisher, how do you cope?
It is not an easy task but for anyone who wants to achieve set dreams and objectives, you have to be ready to apply yourself twice as more as the other person does. So I must look at ways to fill up the roles and run it as a process which should be normal to me.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I am very impatient.
Do you have a role model?
I have so many role models, any hardworking individual who believes in enhancing humanity positively are my role models but the two that readily comes to mind are Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey. Those two are rarely the people I think has achieved so many ground breaking ideas that turned around the world.
Which Nigerian do you admire, who you would like to meet, if you have not met already?
There are so many Nigerian I admire because to survive alone in this environment requires God’s tenacity so anybody who has worked and succeeded in an environment like this and build a brand from the scratch to what it is today has my utmost respect and that speaks for every C.E.O who is running an organization in this environment against all odds and are succeeding. Any Nigerian that falls into that capacity is my role model and I would love to meet them any day and anytime.
What pleasant memories would you say you have of being the boss of Brand World Media?
The fact that I have lived a fulfilled life up to this point; it was always my dream to be in a creative environment and these has afforded me so many opportunities to be at so many events that creatively inspired me.
The moment I cannot forget was when Virgin Atlantic and virgin Nigeria held their 5th and 1st year Anniversary in Nigeria and Richard Branson was in Nigeria, I got to speak him but the only regret I had was not being quick enough to look for a photographer to capture that moment in time. Those were moments that are unforgettable to me.
What are the Challenges you face in turning yourself into a brand in this industry?
The same other entrepreneurs like myself faces, getting clients to see things your way, being able to deliver with your turn around time intact, being able to satisfy your clients and customers and also being able to keep your processes running in terms of your bills, salaries, electricity bills and fueling the generator set.
As you get older, what are your constant thoughts?
How to provide myself long after retirement, my family and those that are immediately dependent on me, that why I am still using this period I still have a lot of energy to transform my ideas into sustainable income generating ideas and then it would provide employment for people, generate income to look after my family, myself and old age all the investment we have made should then take care of us.
We know you as a presenter, but can we get a fuller package?
I run a media company, we pre- produce a programme called Brand World TV show. We basically do other things for clients when it comes to the area of branding, they engage us and give us specific assignment and we carry that out on their behalf.

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