Tuesday, January 24, 2012

                                                                A RAPED NATION
                                                                           BY DAMILOLA TOWOBOLA

A solicitous new day
Born with the unfolding of a new sun
365 days of the last calendar had become history
She was merrily popping the champagne
And radiating with fun

Flash! The television set began to talk
She was struck by a greek gift
A despairing spear on a new year eve
Wines devastatingly went savoury
Her chickens began to fertilize with maggots

She became disillusionised
Cried foul and gnashed teeths
Damilola Towobola a.k.a Spaiz
Alas, racing to the streets
Carrying placards like billboards
To show her discontents

Her fruits fell by the bullets
And some out of shock
Houses razed down in the inferno
And her children beaten with clubs
Yet her kins-folk remained in dark sun glasses

On the acclaimed settlement table
Her kins-folk exercised veto power
And diabolically raped her by due process
Her subsidy was removed
Daylight embarrassment

She threatened to strike
But they struck her back
They sucked her excess account
And squeezed her lovely economy
Her wailing was in vain

What a shame to D.E.M.O.C.R.A.C.Y !
They deregulated her downstream sector
That was oily
She couldn’t say anything
But cried because they slapped her with 97 naira.

We stand as a witness to the rape of the masses.                                             

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